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TCoU's mission is to bring inspiration, encouragement, awareness and HOPE. TCoU products, articles, videos, podcasts and blogs are a reminder that each of us is unique and together we can make a difference!
TCoU will donate 10% of its profits to support mental health wellness, focusing on groups and projects related to Anti Stress, Anti-Anxiety, and Anti-Depression. TCoU focuses on cheering  people up, letting them know they are not alone and giving them hope. 
TCoU's movement will focus on bringing awareness and validation to all individuals.
TCoU's challenge is to motivate each person that wants to make a difference the opportunity to pay it forward, to recognize that everyone is affected by stress, anxiety or depression at certain times of our lives, to fight the stigma of shame and become a beacon of hope. The amount of love and caring individuals show to others, reflects how much they love and respect themselves.
Join us in this effort and spread the hope.
Check out our TCoU Challenge!!


A Beacon of Hope!!
TCoU is about Self Love and HOPE!!

TCoU (Take Care of YOU) Company was developed to help each of us remember that whatever we feed our minds, bodies and/or inner cores affect our realities and our life experiences. 


TCoU’s goal is to be a beacon of hope, to bring peace, hope, light, and love back to humanity. Most importantly, TCoU is a reminder to take care of us, individually and as a group.


TCoU’s main focus is on mental health, promoting self-love, and acknowledging others around us.


TCoU’s mission is to change mental illness to mental wellness, to lose the stigma and bring HOPE back. 

Stress, Anxiety and Depression make no exceptions or discrimination relating to age, race, sex, financial background, education, lifestyle, or other type of human differences.

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