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How Can I Help?

Be a Beacon of hope!!

Bring Awareness!!

Enter the TCoU Token Give Away Challenge!!!

Being a Beacon of Hope does not require any special skills, all it takes is to acknowledge and validate others around us. A thoughtful word, a kind gesture, or a smile can make a difference in anyone's day and it can have a huge impact to someone that feels all alone, stressed or overwhelmed.


TCoU's Token Give Away Challenge--A Beacon of HOPE:  Is a step of awareness of others. Everyone needs to be validated, sometimes the least obvious individuals are the ones that do not want to get noticed because they are in the middle of their own storms. So handout the tokens throughout your day, you never know the difference that may make in someone's life.


TCoU will start this Challenge by acknowledging you, with each TCoU Signature item purchased, you will receive a card with a couple of tokens and a special message to you. The tokens inside the card are provided to you as part of the challenge to hand them out to individuals around you. (ORDER MORE TOKENS HERE)


When you get your card, take out the tokens and put them in your pocket. Through the day find two people around you that you think you want to recognize, validate or challenge and just tell them "they are validated and are not alone". Share your experiences with us. CLICK HERE TO BLOG: "The TCoU Give-Away Token Results".


There are additional packets of 4 cards with two tokens each to buy at the TCoU store; get them and give the card with the two tokens to your friends and family to pass on the challenge and expand the circle of Hope,



FREE TOKENS REQUESTS (No Purchase necessary):  To obtain (two) FREE TOKENS, send your information below. (Token giveaway is subject to token availability. Join us!!)


TCoU is launching this CHALLENGE to everyone, to encourage unity and HOPE. Reaching out to others can not only make a difference in their lives, it will also bring you joy and affect your reality. By reaching out to others we take a break from our own trials and stresses. This allows us to step away from our own overwhelming issues and reevaluate our own situation with renewed perspective to take care of us.


Become part of the movement of change for validation and acceptance of those around us, specially individuals that may be going through a difficult time, those being overlooked when they go the extra mile, those that may think they are not noticed. Your act of awareness will validate them and let them know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE!!



United WE can make a


Anchor Blog 1 Tokens

Get your FREE Tokens below and join the movement!!

Request your FREE TOKENS below:

The Winner's List of the First TCoU Token Given Away Challenge will be emailed to you no later than January 15th, 2018.

We can make a difference!!

See some public stories about making a difference

Turn Volume on next to the Facebook logo to hear Oprah talk about how we can build a legacy and make a difference

 "Making someone else feel better will help you feel better"

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